Kurt Apil
Leading from Values
What of truth? It is gold What of moral character? It is the biggest prize Values though. Enables truth Brings light to the dark. Enables the genuine The enduring, true voice inside … among the multiple voices that could be Whispers true all day long. The voice speaks inside. In its domain we wander. Awake…
I can be your Keeper
Voice to me all of your dreams Let me hear the pain and struggle which forged it Show me your scars, in narrative Speak your fear, in fear I can be its keeper Share with me all that is within your heart The melodies and the dissonance Sing it out Shout it out But let…
Journey Ended
What was Is What could be Eventually Did What I could be I became What I always had to be Finally
Weekend Rains
There are mornings In the surrounding garden Slight of sound A cooler touch to the skin A broken-up humid air Time has no place! The rain trickles, softly One hears it fall gently on the paving Randomly creating its own pools Brown grass awaits – sustenance indeed Parched soil invites more of the rain Can…
Many forces Some seen, some not Interlaced Pushing towards an outcome Presents the happening Appearing as a whole Some notice, some not Individual wishes Through conscious purposing Engaged will Hoping for an outcome Oblivious to the unseen Some aware, some not Hindered by other purposing Others Separate Some aligned, some not Compromised outcome No-one has…
Necessary Imperfection to enact change
You are the change Being of service To the world Others Requires not a sense of belonging Requisite imperfection, vitality required Energy from the world’s dark abyss Bourne out of necessary suffering Out of disconnection, across boundaries With vision – granted While being in the world Seeing the lack of flow Not fully aligned with…
Beauty in Imperfection
Grief Can be silent, unseen Felt loss, hardship, trauma Loneliness Learning imperfection Left flawed Broken The heart’s usual whispers overtaken And invites us to be who we really can be Anew Our heart is called upon to break But Small memories, shadowed delights Brings repair Richness, imperfection Colour to one’s soul Not fixed … vessel…
Stop Fighting Wholeness
Forcing things My strived-for persona is becoming obscure Why fight my darkness? Perfection remains tiring and demanding Elusive mostly Why not release all parts? I am not sure What sits beneath the surface Have I ever known Unconscious to me, it lurks My deeply scripted self is tainted Must be tainted – feels tainted Needing…
Silence Long my enemy Demands my attention Silence Is a form of fluidity Not an enduring stillness … never stationary Often welcomed Sometimes rejected In silence My stories come Incomplete With present anxiety Fast, uncontrolled During silence I seek to choose Symmetry … control of my stories Inspiring vistas, grounding spaces I feel embraced Vulnerable…
Pictures in my mind Dreaming Yesterday’s joys Not far away Treasures, gifts, details Some, fading with time People fire-blazed on my heart Smiles, tears, fragrances, connection, meaning Grow stronger For moments, brief moments, deaf to everything else Back with them I am able to pretend Half-escapes Treasures time cannot destroy Cannot be erased I am…