Come to the edge

and trust … you, not me

I can not take you where you need to go

Have to go

A lighter pathway requires that you drop the heavy bonds

Make new, lighter bonds

Create new ones

Act now, do not wait to react

For in you lies the pathway to your future, not mine


You can not

if you are not willing to let go

Let go of the memory they have of you

Let go of the memory you have of you

You let go, not me

Embrace the possibility

It is not without torment, fear

and often not without pain


In vain it is not

You must act … not me

Act, venture

Believe, trust

So let go … come to the edge

And be introduced to all you are

Meet you, all of you

because then you can meet me


If you do not act … do not go to the edge

You can not meet me

I am at the edge

It is up to you