Wholeness is an experience

I had to first believe it – truly believe it, before I experienced it

I know it now – finally, deeply

I know it to be real

I feel it

I know the day it happened

When the years-long process came to fruition

But with words – these symbols – I cannot explain what it is

Or where it is

I just know that it is

Deeply know

Wholeness came, authenticity came

It brought an inner peace – a letting go of my projections

Raised above the questions, I am not separate any longer

I am one with God, the ones I choose to love

And, in fact, with everyone and everything on the planet

I know when it happened – love’s presence filled me

I didn’t feel alone any longer

I didn’t need to chase anymore

I didn’t need to plan anymore

It is still all around me

I began to love the world

The unloved, the unconnected, the unwilling, the unconscious

Love flowed when I was ready to experience it, when I became whole

A strength I didn’t know was possible, built on vulnerability

I also know that, even though I am now whole

I am not complete as yet

I am an ongoing work

It is a timed maturity

Choices I can make to the emergent offerings

And the patterns of awareness that God and the Universe chooses to reveal

At this point in time

It is the search for completeness that connects me with others

There is no answer – no completeness yet

There is only the experience of wholeness

A creative tension of wholeness without completeness